
“May 28, 1997

I had a stiff neck on both sides and it has gotten a lot better. If my neck does get sore it’s not stiff and I’ve only been coming here for a little over a month. I have had this problem for years where most of the time when my neck was stiff it would last as long as 4 weeks. I went to a D.O. once who ran all sorts of tests, adjusted me and that was it! It was very expensive with no results. I have had heartburn/indigestion since my late teens, early 20s, eating antacids every day. After approximately 2 weeks of visits my problem (long time problem) had just about completely gone away which was very exciting and totally unexpected. When I first came to the chiropractor I was like most other people, skeptical. Now my entire attitude has changed from obvious results I have been getting. I look forward to even better things (results) in the future.”

-Jay Pizzello (He and his whole family are still active patients)

“Before seeking Doc Nicole I had a severe stiff neck for probably four months. After one month, I had to see Doc Nicole once a week, I noticed that my stiff neck was gone!

Now I’m a (more) regular patient.”

-Melanie Onate-Clawson

September 16, 2020

“So much of my life I have gone to get adjusted and felt the benefits of a shortened cold or relief from uncomfortable sleep. It wasn’t until giving birth to my two daughters did I realize what a big impact chiropractic care had on both myself and my newborns. Getting adjusted throughout my pregnancy and postpartum relieved so much joint and lower back tension. Along with the immediate calm and digestive benefits resulting from newborn adjustments. Chiropractic care from the Merritts is a gift to my whole family!”

-Daria Kosis

“Hi, my name is Beth, and I would like to share with you how chiropractic has helped me. When I was a child, I became very sick with chronic ear infections and respiratory problems. At the age of 13 I was diagnoses with asthma. The asthma continually got worse, and I was placed on an inhaler and steroids to control my asthma. Chiropractic has always been a part of my life, but unfortunately it was more off then on until I moved to Atlanta and me a chiropractor that told me chiropractic could help me. I was ecstatic, so I began regular care. It took about 3 months and I had noticed a reduced need for my inhaler, then about 6 months later I was only using my inhaler every couple of months. I was so excited about not having to take all the drugs I entered chiropractic college. Now I am a chiropractor and I have not taken and drugs for the past 3 year. It’s amazing what can happen when you get the power TURNED ON!!”


“March 29, 1997

I came for help with my TMJ and then an immune system breakdown that followed I had stopped chiropractic. My TMJ is completely gone, and I feel much better. I spent 10 years and $10,000 to help my TMJ with no good results. My immune system breakdown was devastating. As a result of care, I have experienced improved energy levels, better sleep, better digestion, and higher immune resistance. Chiropractic is an integral part of a complete wellness program. Maintenance is the key to staying well. I encourage others to use chiropractic as part of a well-managed healthcare program-experiencing is believing.”

-Mary Beth Zimmerman (still an active patient)

“Dr. Steve is so knowledgeable not only in the chiropractic field, but also many others!  I first visited “MFC” with sever back pain and muscle spasms.  Dr. Steve had explained the problem and fixed it in no time!  When my wife came in with lower back pain, he was the first to suggest we were pregnant!  Now almost 3 years later, Dr. Steve is our Sloan’s Favorite place to visit!  He is patient with Sloan and best buds!  I recommend MFC to as many people as I can because of the care we receive and the amazing atmosphere of the office.”

-Gideon Stence

“I would like to thank Dr. Nicole for improving my quality of life. I suffered excruciating pain for many years and after a day of work I would retire to my easy chair and if I wanted to get up it would take at least 20 seconds before I could get my foot to move to walk. Now I can get up and walk with no pain. Thank you again Dr. Nicole!”

-Linda M.

“Four years ago, I was treated by a dentist. In pulling my tooth, he twisted a vertebrae in my neck. I did not discover this until two months later when I brought my x-rays to Dr. Merritt. I came in to the office in very bad shape. I could not bend my fingers to write and my knees would not bend. I was like the old time Barbie doll before she had bendable legs! My doctors wanted to treat me with multiple meds for Rheumatoid Arthritis to start. The pain I was experiencing was excruciating.

Dr. Merritt was able to treat me very effectively without medications. It took a while but he knew exactly where to adjust. It helped me to realize that regular treatments will keep me in line and pain free.

My whole family is amazed. We do not even have to tell him what’s wrong – he just can tell where the problems are – pretty sure he knows our bodies better than we do!”

-Kim G.

“I became a devotee of Chiropractic care in the early 1980s. I had suffered an injury at work that affected my C-5 and C-6 vertebrae. I went to see an Orthopedic surgeon and was given all kinds of medication and therapies. I did not get much in the way of relief. My sister had just begun treatment at a Chiropractor in New York, so I decided to try it out. Being in the airline business, made it easy to see a Chiropractor in New York. However it was quite impractical, so I found one closer to home. We lived in Ft Lauderdale, at the time. My late husband and I got a recommend from a friend and began treatment with Dr. David Bernstein. I had been in a car accident at this point, and my husband had been told he had a herniated disc. We both found that regular visits to Dr. Bernstein helped our conditions tremendously. We signed up for the maintenance plan and went once a week or more for the next 8 or 9 years. In 1994 we moved to Hobe Sound. We had our house custom built by a local contractor. He was the person who recommended Merritt Family Chiropractic. We started a weekly program with Dr. Steve and had the pleasure of meeting most of the Merritt clan along the way. Brothers Rob and Jeff, both Chiropractors, adjusted us on many occasions. We also went to a very nice daughter of their Dad’s former partner, when the Merritt’s were out of town. Now Dr. Nicole has joined the family business. Of course I also know her mother, her grandmother and all her siblings. I have watched them grow up.

I am a true believer in the benefits of Chiropractic care. I am now 70 years old. Healing takes a bit longer, but with regular adjustments I have overcome hip injuries, due to not watching where I’m walking and a new injury to my C-5 C-6. I have been able to continue working as a Flight Attendant and am now a certified Yoga instructor. These careers require a healthy spine. My bone density score for my low back was 105%. I take no medications. If I do get a cold or flu, I get a couple of adjustments to boost my immune system and am usually better in a couple of days. I also get compliments on my posture from colleagues and even strangers. I truly believe this is because I have had regular chiropractic care for over 30 years.

Between Dr. Steve and Dr. Nicole I know I will be healthy and strong for another 30 years. It is great to be part of the Merritt Family Practice. Thank you for always being there and genuinely caring for your patients.”

-Tracy Maxwell

“March 30, 2021

“My medical issues began exactly four months to the day after retiring from a 30+ year career. I had purchased my dream dog and was excited to begin my retirement adventure! Suddenly overnight and without warning I was experiencing severe lower back, butt and hip pain to the point where WHEN I was able to walk the pup, I usually had to do so on my hands and knees…with crying throughout because of the debilitating pain. At that point, I truly believed I couldn’t have that dream life at all..and that this pain was permanent…because it felt permanent. From there I found myself in daily/hourly pain, almost out of my mind and quickly sinking into a severe depression which was NOT my nature!) I remembered Steve Merritt from my son’s Hobe Sound Soccer Club involvement. I knew his reputation was outstanding in the community. He was unbelievably kind during those first visits because I was in off the chart pain and I probably wasn’t showing any endearing qualities of me as a human being. X-rays showed my back (and therefore my hips) were out of their proper alignment and pressing on nerves. From there he worked with me 4-5 times and then announced that he felt part of my issue was something more medical. Sure enough, after a medical MRI I was found to have a synovial cyst near my spine. I had that removed with a facet injection…my first real go around with the local medical community. It was quite a stressful relationship. There was the waiting and waiting and waiting for someone to call me back to even set up the procedure! Don’t even ask me about the waiting to hear results! The physical removal procedure was successful, but I had begun to learn the slippery slope of much of our medical profession. My pain then totally returned having given me only 4 weeks of pain free days since the injection I was followed up by a neurologist, blood tests and 3 additional MRI’s—brain, thoracic and lumbar. Through it all the experience was disturbing and disheartening. And painful. Waiting for someone to call you back (sometimes only weeks later) when you’re in severe pain is unbearable. I remember it took all my strength not to cry and yell at the receptionists and nurses when they finally would call me back. I needed help, I needed someone to take me seriously and see me through to the successful end. And I needed attention. When it was over and there were no medical solutions except surgically putting metal rods in my back and I DECLINED I was referred to a Pain Management doctor. That hit me the hardest! Was my only choice to have to learn to live with that kind of debilitating pain and only learn to “manage” it? I think that was when I hit rock bottom. I’m an addicted gardener, home improvement queen and Do-It-All pioneer woman…and for all those quirky things I love to do I knew the pain would take those things away from my life. Desperate, I then saw my regular primary physician and when he saw the pain, I was in he immediately said, “Go see Steve Merritt again.” And I did and I’m joyously here in mind and spirit because of that visit. Steve began patiently working with me again, often 5-6 times a week. It was tough at first because progress didn’t come easily..or quickly. My skeletal system it seemed had almost “locked into” place.. Sorry…I don’t know the correct medical verbiage). There were few very successful adjustments (as far as my pain was concerned) at first and I left the visits feeling a bit discouraged. But for some reason I never lost all hope and looking back I truly believed Steve knew what he was doing, had a contagious positive spirit and I just saw how concerned he was. Hadn’t seen that in a while! Month by month slow progress was made. At times it was agonizing but I stuck with it and Steve Merritt stuck with me. That pain I experienced literally came on overnight and had obviously been lurking for a long time before that fateful day. It just makes sense to realize it’s going to take time to retrain the body to live in a better more natural position. I learned when you’re in that kind of pain you’ll do anything for an instant relief. But unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. I learned that. And I believe that. I am now living a 98% pain free life. I can walk my dog upright and I continue to enjoy the things I love to do. Once or twice a month (when my body tells me it’s time) I continue to go to Merritt Chiropractic for Steve to adjust me. This guy KNOWS me and knows just the adjustment I need. Every time. Thank you, Steve Merritt, for giving me my life back! “

-Gabrielle Ingram